Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Create Docker image of an application

Creating a docker image is an important step towards containerizing the application and to successfully running the application in the Kubernetes. This post is part of the post that discusses Deploying an application to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)In this post, I am going to use a sample java application, and illustrate the steps to create image that can be used for AKS deployment. I will be using windows PowerShell command. 

Images can also be created by modifying the existing container. This appraoch is useful when one needs to reuse existing container and/or for incremental updates. For more information, please visit Creating, Modifying and Updating Docker Image from Container for the appraoch.

For the purpose of this post, 'dockerizing' is the process of creating a docker image of the application which is what containerizing or make container is. Dockerizing sounds intuitive (to me personally). In this post I am using an application named ‘LiveStreaming’ which essentially is a webserver which takes user files and saves it in the server for further processing and returns the name of the file that was successfully received at the server. The application simply stores the file in the root folder. The sample application is a maven project, and the name of the project is ‘LiveStreaming’. The application is configured to listen to port 9999. 

When the application is run in local machine, browsing to http://localhost:9999 opens up page for file upload.

Once user clicks the 'Choose file' button, a dialog is opened to select a file.

When user uploads the file, a successfully received message is returned to the user. 

The idea is that this is going be a livestreaming server (eventually). I have a learnAKS branch create for this article can be accessed from https://github.com/benktesh/LiveStreaming/tree/learnAKS.

Above I described basic flow of the application that works on local machine with a hostname that is shown in the upload UI and the application is running at port 9999. 

Now back to code, upon cloning the project, I would want to ensure that the application can be run as maven project. I am using Eclipse, but any other IDE should equally work.  As a quick test, I am going to run the mvn clean compile command from Windows Powershell (PS) while at the root of the application folder to observe that application can be compiled which can be verified by 'Build Sucess' notification.  

Dockerizing or creating docker image can be achieved in many ways. I prefer to declarative statements and would like to reuse the existing build process as much as possible. With this notion, I am going to add a Dockerfile to an existing project and achieve the dockerizing an application. Alternatively, dockerzation can be achieved by using plugins in the Maven build process which is not currently in the scope of this post. The image below shows the list of files and folder in the application root. 

The content of the dockerfile is shown below. 

FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 AS MAVEN_TOOL_CHAIN

COPY pom.xml /tmp/

COPY src /tmp/src/


RUN mvn clean package


FROM openjdk:8

COPY --from=MAVEN_TOOL_CHAIN /tmp/target/LiveStreaming-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /LiveStreaming-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

       CMD ["java", "-jar", "/LiveStreaming-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

Content of the docker is as shown above. This file is also included in the github code that I mentioned earlier. The docker process simply copies the resources and calls mvn clean package command to build the code to create a self-contained jar then calls the command to create image.

In order for this to work, I had added 'maven-assembly-plugin' plugin to package a jar and specified the mainClass attribute in the pom.xml.


Now back to terminal, while still pointing at the root of the application, I can run docker build command. Before I run a build command, I am currently at the  as below:

docker build -t  livestreaming:local .

In the command above, I am instructing docker to execute the commands listed in the Dockerfile to create an image named ‘livestraming’ with tag ‘local’ and place them at root of the container as noted by ‘.’ (character dot in the command).

Note that the application is at ..\LiveStreaming folder and my command windows is pointing to that location. The folder contains Dockerfile and note that this does not have any extension. Docker recognizes this file by its name.

The result of the build is the creation of docker image this can be verified by going exploring images in the Docker for Desktop as shown in the figure below:

The built image can be run within docker with the following command:

docker run -d -p 8080:9999 livestreaming:local 

The argument -d instructs docker to run as daemon process and -p instructs port mapping from local to container (host:container format). In this example, I am mapping port 8080 of host to the 9999 port of the image. Thus, when I run the application, I can use 8080 port of the machine hosting the docker and the application will still be listening to port 9999 internally. When the command is executed, the application must be running at localhost:8080. Lets open up a browser and navigate to the url and port where the livestreaming app is running by executing the following PS command:

start microsoft-edge:http://localhost:8080

In the window, I am going to upload the Scratch.py file as I did before.

We can see the same interface as seen while the application was running in the local machine directly at port 9999. Note the hostname is displaying the container id which is different than when the application was run locally and showing the name of the computer. The list of images and their status can be seen by running docker ps command.

The ports column shows which port of the host is mapped to the port of the container among other things. Existing image can be stopped or started using docker stop [id] command. 

Sometimes, it is necessary to peek into the container which can be done by executing the following command:

docker exec -it 00622c0645fb /bin/bash

The execution of the above command gives us the shell access which I can execute ls -all  command to see the content where it shows that Scratch.py file is also in the root of the folder. 

docker container kill $(docker ps -q) can be used to remove all the containers. 

With the steps above I demonstrated how to create a docker image of an application and run the image on a windows machine. 

Reference and further reading

Set up development environment for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) deployment

Deploy an application image to Kubernetes

Store image to the Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Deploy application image to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 

Creating, Modifying and Updating Docker Image from Container


1 comment:

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